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168 lines
Program name: SWAP
Written with: Lattice C 3.1 and Cape Assembler
Machine: Standard Amiga 500 with OS1.3, One floppy drive,1 MByte RAM
Author: Kamran Karimi
Source: Included
What it does: tries to bring swapping to Amiga without any special hardware
Program status:The program can be used freely but I retain the Copyright to
both the source and executable forms of the program.
Directory contents:
SWAP 52620 bytes
The Swapping portion of this program is not very reliable as its
functions are not supported by the OS. Do NOT swap out programs with
valuable data gathered or computations done as you may not be able to swap
them in again.
Memory management may be considered as one of the weak points of Amiga OS.
SWAP is written as a trial to provide swapping for Amigas without any special
hardware. The main intention is to let the user choose a task, swap it to
disk so that its occupied memory is released, and do other things. Later on,
he could swap the program back to main memory and let it continue from the
point it was interrupted. If The Operating System was capable of swapping,
then it could do the swappings automatically, but now the user should decide
when to swap out or in. Also if the OS supported these functions, it could
move memory around and help the swap-in process, but it does not.
The program lets the user do other things as well. A list of all tasks in the
system is shown and the user can select them by clicking on the desired one.
the name of the selected task and its task structure address is shown.
The actions that can be applied to the selected task depend on the task state
and the program enables/disables gadgets depending on it. here is a brief
description of the gadget functions.
Upadate: searches the task lists in the system and displays them. also
updates the available memory and swap space. the swap space is the space
available on the volume indicated in the string gadget.
Info: shows the contents of the task structure belonging to the currently
selected task.
Freeze: puts the task in the EXECBase IntrList so that it is not executed
any more. It is changed to 'Melt' whenever a frozen task is chosen.
Pri: changes the task priority. the new priority should be given in the
string gadget.
Kill: removes the task from system but first searches the PortList and
removes any port belonging to the selected task, with the exception of the
IDCMP ports.
Swap In: Reads from the file indicated in the string gadget and tries
to swap the selceted task in. It may not be successful all the times!.
Swap Out: swaps the selected task out and writes it to the file indicated
by the string gadget. It will be active only when you first click on the
"Segs" gadget.
Signal: Signals the selected task. The signal mask should be given in the
string gadget.
Break: Sends break to the selected task if it is ready to accept them.
Segs: Shows the segments in memory belonging to the selected task.
Memory: Displays the free memory list. It is not precise because some memory
is allocated to display the information themselves!.
W&S: Windows and Screens. Shows the screens and the windows in them.
windows belonging to a screen are shown below it. One can close them. If a
screen is selected to close, then all its windows are closed before it.
Find Intruder: In case there are dificulties swapping a program in, this
gadget can be tried. It searches the tasks and their segments in memory
to find out if a task has been loaded in a part of memory needed by the
swapped out program. It can not search memory allocated in any way other than
Exit: Exits the program after asking for confirmation.
Some of the options require confirmation. If so, a message telling this
is displayed in the message area. if you want the operation done, click
on the gadget again. Otherwise, click on any other gadget.
How to swap a program out:
Select the task you want to swap. Don't choose vital system tasks as you
may lock the computer. press the 'Segs' button and a list of the task's
segments in memory is displayed. If possible, the 'Swap Out' gadget is
enabled. Write the full path and name of the file you want the swap image to
be writen to. The default path is 'df0:', add the name of the swap file after
it or give a new file and path name. Click the 'Swap Out' gadget and wait
until it is finished.
To swap a program in, select it. The 'Swap In' gadget will become enabled.
Click on it an then hope that everything goes OK!. If problems occured,
refer to the hints written some lines below.
Internals of swapping routines:
The swapping portion of the program works as follows: the chosen task is
removed from ready or waiting queue and inserted in the IntrList list in the
EXECBase structure. Its segments in memory are traversed and an exact copy of
them is made on the floppy/hard disk, and then the segments are released.task
state is changed. PutMsg() and Signal() routines are patched so as to prevent
the system from acting on the swapped tasks, which would lead to a crash.
Memory allocated by using AllocMem() or other similar functions are not
freed, also screens and windows belonging to the swapped task remain untact.
when swapping in, the program uses AllocAbs() to gain the original memory
area back and copy the file image there. If the call is successful, the
program will be back in memory and may continue execution. But it is quite
possible that the required memory is occupied!. In this case the swapping will
fail. If the failer occurred after the allocation of a number of segments,
then all the previously allocated memory if freed an you can try swapping
the program in at a later time (perhaps after carrying out a few of the
suggestions given below).
The following can be tried in case of difficulties in swapping a program in:
Make windows on the screens as small as possible and if possible, close
them. Even typing at the keyboard causes memory allocation. Try the
'Find Intruder' option in SWAP. If an intruder is found, quit it and try to
swap in again. If it does not work, you may have to quit all the tasks started
after the swapping one by one. Do not quit the SWAP after swapping a program
as reloading it may cause allocation of memory in parts needed by the swapped
program. As the Lattice C 3.1 does not have an option to let one place an
structure in CHIP memory, Allocmem() was used to get mem for the up an down
arrow pointer images in the SWAP screen. This memory can not be checked by
'Find Intruder' option.
Send Bug reports and suggestions to
Kamran Karimi
HaghShenas str.
Navab str.
13599 - Tehran